Hot & Fast UK Grass Fed BBQ Brisket Method in Kamado Egg BBQ w Oak Logs & Charcoal for Genuine Offset Smoker Taste

Hot & Fast UK Grass Fed BBQ Brisket Method in Kamado Egg BBQ w Oak Logs & Charcoal for Genuine Offset Smoker Taste

Bournemouth's SmokingBBQBadboy cooks up UK grass-fed brisket in egg / Kamado cermamic BBQ using a technique based around creating oak embers in chimney starter combined with oak & marabu charcoal for that authetic Texas style, offset smoker BBQ beef brisket taste using a hot (300f) & fast (6hrs) smoking method that requires minimal intervention.

Hot & Fast UK Grass Fed BBQ Brisket Method

UK BBQ | the approach to grass-fed UK beef brisket is slightly different to the classic US grain-fed beef, which is generally not available to us in the UK. The addition of rendered tallow in the wrap stage helps maintain the moisture & juiciness but very minimal trimming of the brisket in the first stage helps to keep things juicy.

With hot & fast BBQing method, you need to keep an eye on the tallow as it forms to ensure it doesn't burn or catch through the heat deflector plate.

Using Kamado Egg BBQ w Oak Logs & Charcoal for Genuine Offset Smoker Taste

A key difference in my BBQ brisket method, as you can probably see from the smoke ring, is to maximise the smoke taste without using an offset smoker which can be time consuming. By creating an oak ember base to start the whole process, this ensure that the wood fuel is at the right heat so there is no bad smoke / smouldering smoke at any point in the process - whilst still allowing all the flavour of burning oak within a Big Green Egg / Kamado Joe ceramic BBQ option.

Hot & Fast BBQ Brisket Target Temps Overview

The BBQ community have different definitions of what hot & fast entails. I have found that the 'middle ground' of 300F provides a consistent BBQ result.

  • Bring BBQ temp up to 300F
  • Target for BBQ brisket internal temp is between 160-170F
  • You are watching to see when "the stall" happens but with hot & fast, the brisket will push through that stage much faster than slow & low
  • Rather than pulling the brisket at 203F, take the brisket all the way to 207-209F (but do keep testing for tenderness)
  • Give the brisket at least 3 hrs rest period

Hot & Fast BBQ Brisket Method Steps

  1. Season the brisket for overnight dry brine
  2. Start the oak ember creation process by splitting the oak logs into thin pieces, lighting a natural material starter in your chimney starter and fill the charcoal chimney with wood.
  3. Allow the wood to burn till it is 50% glowing embers, before adding into the egg / kamado ceramic BBQ
  4. Allow the wood & embers to burn for a little while till all smoking stops, before adding your charcoal on top.
  5. Add your heat deflector & water pan to regulate the temperature & keep the air moist.
  6. Set target temperature of smoker to 300f and when stable / up to temp, add your BBQ brisket into smoker.
  7. Cook the brisket for 4 hrs until internal temperature is between 165-170F. You will notice the brisket will punch through the stall period much faster than slow & low method of 225-250F.
  8. Spray the BBQ brisket after 3 hrs on edges that are drying out.
  9. When through the stall, wrap the brisket with tallow (or clarified butter) to continue cooking for around 2 hrs till you hit 207-209F internal.
  10. With hot & fast, the rest period is extended & essential, so aim for 3+hrs of rest before serving your brisket.
I hope you enjoy my SMOKINGBBQBADBOY hot & fast UK grass fed smoked BBQ brisket method. Any issues with your BBQ smoking process, feel free to drop me a message below or find me on instagram to get in contact directly.

Any feedback on improving any stages of this BBQ process is always appreciated and will be tried out! :)
Hot & Fast UK Grass Fed BBQ Brisket Method in Kamado Egg BBQ w Oak Logs & Charcoal for Genuine Offset Smoker Taste Hot & Fast UK Grass Fed BBQ Brisket Method in Kamado Egg BBQ w Oak Logs & Charcoal for Genuine Offset Smoker Taste Reviewed by smokingbbqbadboy on April 20, 2024 Rating: 5

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